You can also combine disguise self with fog cloud. Right before friends is over, turn a corner and dispel disguise self so the angry enemy doesn’t know it was you who cast friends. Then cast mage hand to fly you away.Ĭast disguise self first to change your appearance. If you are a gnome or halfling, cast reduce to weigh 10 lbs or less. And here are the best spell combos you came up with: Low level spell combos Instead of spending hours poring over lists of spells, I decided to ask you guys.
There are also many ways to lower saving throws and then use a spell that requires that saving throw.īut with so many possibilities that’s certainly not the only fun to be had. The best spell combos in D&D 5e often involve some way to immobilize the enemy and then deal damage, or making movement hurt and forcing the enemy to move. So I wondered, what are the best spell combos for D&D 5e?
When playing a magic-user I like to combine spells in clever ways.